1883 photos, 90 videos

Welcome friends, family and clients to my online galleries!

I am Bernadette Mangione and reside outside of Philadelphia, PA. A member of the Pennsylvania Guild of Craftsmen, I carry a B.F.A. in Photography from RIT (Rochester Institute of Technology in New York) and have been activily shooting for over 20 years. I use primarily Nikon gear, including the Micro-Nikkor 105mm for macro work. 

All Public Gallery images are available for order online. Email me directly at [email protected] for further information, special orders or assignment requests. Please note all images are 5x7 samples only and will not appear sized correctly in larger frames. I always upload the proper size images for each order.
Contact Info

AddressCollegeville, PA
United States
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All Photographs


48 photos
Created 12-Mar-10
Modified 12-Mar-10


86 photos
Created 31-Aug-09
Modified 31-Aug-09

Wild & Not So Wildlife

45 photos
Created 12-Mar-10
Modified 12-Mar-10
Wild & Not So Wildlife


65 photos
Created 12-Mar-10
Modified 12-Mar-10


16 photos
Created 3-Jan-09
Modified 3-Jan-09


Galleries 4
Modified 3-Jan-09
50 photos


Galleries 1
Modified 3-Jan-09
8 photos

Outer Banks

11 photos
Created 2-May-09
Modified 2-May-09
Outer Banks

Personal Galleries

Galleries 21
Modified 9-Dec-23
1554 photos

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