If you want to relax after a busy wedding, I recommend going to Kauai first, and doing so as quickly as possible to start the rejuvenation process. Kauai is known as the Garden Island mostly because of Mount Wai'ale'ale and it’s surround rain forests, which make it the wettest place on earth. But don’t let the rain discourage you – it makes for some of the most colorful and breathtaking landscape in the world. The island is fairly remote (away from the other Hawaiian islands) and not very populated, but as for activities it offers just as much as Maui does.
If you're into lighthouses, the Kilauea Lighthouse is a must-see. It sits on a peninsula and gives your dramatic views of the North Shore coast, as well as Hawaii's state bird, the Nene (the baby Nene was taken on the drive up to the peninsula).
*Please Note: All images are from scanned negatives and cannot be processed online. Please email me at [email protected] for ordering. Lighthouses can be ordered online through the Lighthouse gallery.